Roadmap for poor nations to eradicate poverty

The American Way. Connecting the dots...

What makes USA the richest nation in the world?

How does it create, retain & distribute wealth

Roadmap for poor nations

Identifies the 'Systemic' changes to become developed nations

Key elements that triggers the wealth creation process for nations

Documentary that transformed Indian economy       

eradicate poverty -American way connecting the dots. center for intrsopection enlightenment

'Many thanks for the good work for eradication of poverty in India' -  Dr Manmohan Singh - Ex-Prime Minister of India

Masterpiece Video'' - Prof Latha Nair - SP Jain Mng Institute Mumbai

Excellent film. Kept me engrossed through the weekend ' - Ron Somers - President US-India Business Council - USA

Documentary that pivoted India towards a economic power.

Journey & Impact of The American Way...


Material poverty can be eradicated by Nations - only thru 'Systemic changes'.
The American Way. Connecting the dots... provides a road-map for nation's to eradicate Poverty  - by identifying the key changes. (in the Govt legislation (Laws), National Budgets, Policies, Schemes and the Financial & Management systems) required for triggering wealth creation  and making a nation a 'Developed country'.
Nov 2006 - The American Way ...  was screened  & DVD'S circulated in Nov 2006 film to PMO, Planning commission, Ministry of Social justice & welfare and Govt of India. (See GOVT of India Letter below)
Jan 2007 - Prime Minsiter Dr Manmohan Singh  announces/Launches 'Shining India' Campaign in UP Rally (see newspaper clips below)
2007-2009 - he following bills recommended the Documentary film were passed Dr Manmohan Singh Govt (see newspaper clips)
* The Social security bill 2007 (CIE-TOI-News-PM-SOCIAL-SECURITY
* Old age bill 2007 CIE-TOI-News-PM-SOCIAL-SECURITY
* Life and disability cover bill 2007 CIE-TOI-News-PM-SOCIAL-SECURITY
* National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy 2007 CIE-TOI-PM-HOUSING-FOR-SLUMDWELLER
* Healthcare budget 2008 - increased from 13 to 22%.
* Education budget - 2008 enhanced by 34% !! (CIE-TOI-PM-SCHOOL-EDUCATION-POLICY
* Right to education (RTE) 2009 - CIE-TOI-PM-SCHOOL-EDUCATION-POLICY
* Aadhar Card (SSN in USA & fulcrum of financial system) - CIE-TOI-PM-AADHAR-LAUNCH
* Indigenisation of Defense Products - (CIE-TOI-PM-DEFENCE-POLICY
* and CIE-TOI-PM-budget-paradgim-change


Initiatives that has benefited millions of poor people in India.
Other Initiatives by the center for helping the poor people & for eradicating poverty.
Downloadable PDF - Click links below
  1. Farm Bill - Farmers Suicide in India -  How Canada/USA protect the farmers
  2. Land Acquisition for public infrastructure - How Canada/USA resolved the issue
  3. Housing for poor - Slums of India - How USA/Canada addressed the problem
  4. Direct Govt benefits to the poor - SSN of USA - Importance of Aadhar card
  5. Child benefit scheme - Canadian Model
  6. Creating 3.8 crores jobs in India- Ramesh Kulkarni Canada

Presentation to Ministry of Social justice & Welfare

The American Way - Comments  

Appreciate the efforts for eradicating poverty - Mr. Ratan Tata - Chairman emeritus - TATA Group
''This was very enlightening' - Mr Prodyut Bora - Member of Parliament, IIM - A, Yale Univ USA
'Thanks, a great job' - S. Manikutty. Professor - IIM Ahmedabad.
 While  most of us merely keep getting angry or pitying a national issue, you sitting far-off have engaged yourself actively in finding workable solutions... Must salute you and congratulate you for bringing forth these initiatives. Warm Regards - Mr.Hanuman Tripathi  - Core Founder & Group Managing Director - InfrasoftTech
Lal Bahadur Shastri Natinal Academy Mussoorie Uttarakhand
Dear sir,  pls send a copy of it, can it be sent by
VPP... Address-
 IIT Kharagpur Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 
Dear sir: in receipt of the DVD, Thanks regds
IIM-B Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore
Glad to hear about the progress of the film... Best wishes  - Prof of Corporate Strategy & Polic
Tks sir. we will procure for our library.
Prof Krishnan- Centre for Public Policy -IIM B
Xavier Institute of Management Xavier Square Bhubaneswar Orissa      
sir  Thanks for your mail.I am interested to buy one for our project and the staff as well.Could you please send one CD to the following address; Project Incharge WETSH project
 XLRI- Orrisa  
Sir, We would like to procure the following CD for us.
Kindly make arrangement to send the CD & the bill as well.  Regards
Prof corp policy
Dr.Kirit Parikh - Member Planning Commission of India. New Delhi. India 
Dear sir
I shall be glad to meet you and see your documentary movie.
Shall fix up a mutually convenient time upon your arrival in India
Best regards,  Member Planning commission - Dr Kirit Parikh
Deear sir - We can have the screening at 11.00 a.m. on 24th
November 2006 in my office in Yojana Bhavan, Parliament Street. Pl. confirm.
Regards,  Dr.Kirit Parikh - Member Planning commission of India

President of Guyana 
Sir  I hereby acknowledge with thanks the receipt of
your letter of feb 08 2007 With the enclosed DVD addressed to his excellency president which this office recd today
Dinesh. IT - Fannie Mae Boston MA USA 
This movie is very fascinating. One certainly should watch this movie atleast once a day... I don't think there is a film that reveals the fundamental elements...for the development of nations and its people. I really  look forward for more movies from the author of this movie.
Mr. T Kanagaraj St Louis MO USA 
The Movie depicts basic facts on what makes America Rich.
There are lot of Economic facts, which needs to be viewed more than once, to understand the Macro Economic techniques in detail. The authors attempt is good start to the big question of "how to eliminate Poverty" in this world.
 Manager Dena Bank India
This is one of the best efforts... which can do a lot for
our downtrodden population. we can do a miracle if we are really determined...
I really appreciate your effortsi sir.This message is the actual need of the
hour... Pls arrange more programs like this Well done.
Manager Bank of Baroda India 
I appreciate the efforts and hard work put in by you and
showing the macro technique and how we can improve and change the lifestyle of
people around us. The message is well taken and we really are inspired. One
suggestion i would like to give is that one group can be formed of like minded
people who will really be dedicated and will devote sometime to the social
responsibility once again I thank the author and just want to say pls keep it up
Manager Oriental Bank India 
I really appreciate the effort and hardwork you have put in
conveying the message of eradicating poverty. Thumbsup .. if everyone of us
comes forward... I am sure the day is not far when we will be part of beautiful
povertyless India;
 NIBM India 
Film was able to convey the methodlogy used in America...
There is enough job security social and health security in America which is not
present in India which is the main factor for Indian people savings habit
rather than spending everything because they are worried not only about their
present but also their future... but a lot of efforts both from Govt and
general public is needed. But efforts are appreciated
Comments from executives of Ultratech- Aditya Birla group company Presentation on 31 Aug 2009
Ashish Mehta  GM (F&A)
Excellent presentation.
Touching the hearts.
Provided space to think.
BP Saggre 
To see the movie and the presentation was a mind shaking (blowing) experience
The question of why India cannot outgrow others and become a
developed nation intrigued me since my childhood.You have opened the floodgates
of thoughts and probably a door to newer ideas on the subject.Like you i am a
dreamer too and wouild like to join you in your efforts in whichever capacity i
Thank you for percolating your passion to me and
opening/appealing to the higher spirits within.
I wish you all the best and let me know how i can be of help'
It was a very informative session.
A question came to my mind. Why cant more indians think the
way this author has?
We are very fortunate to have this session and exposure to
US economy.
Good work sir. Please keep it up.
Good presentation giving ideas of lifesyle of Americans and its economy.
Presentation gives an idea of the poor quality of life indians are leading.
Leaders are saying ‘India is shining’.  after looking at the film we realise we  have a long way to go.
Pramod Sinha
Well made movie.
very impressive.
ofcourse the ending had quite disturbing graphical representation which can be avoided.
A thought provoking talk to stimulate my mind.
Enjoyed the session with the learnings.
Prasada Rao
Excellent movie presentation

Overall a very excellent presentation
Liked the passion for the country
Faith in the intellectuals of the country.
It was an excellent session.
Movie was thought provoking.
Very good movie.
Sahas Shah
It is an excellent film giving insight about American economy.and a way for india to progress.
Kindly accept my heartiest congratulations to you for producing an eye opener film for countries like India.
Sanjay Kanuago
A very Nice presentation.
Your way is beautiful but needs a powerful initiative from more people with true spirit
Prakash Oza
It was a good insight of how the US economy works.
The information was shared very good and insightful.
Thank you sir .
 Sondip Ghosh.
Excellent movie.
Good presentation.
Understood the passion behind it completely.
The movie and presentation on the US economy and the way ahead for developing countries was JUST TOO GOOD.
The message should reach all the citizens and law makers.
Have agreat  launch and god speed.

Your presentation was excellent eye opener.
Your insight will definitely changed the mindset of our colleagues at GCW,Ultratech.
Vivek Uplanchwar
The presentation is very good and an eyeopener.
Amarendra Kumar
Very informative.
The way of the presentation is very attractive
Vinay Bhalerao
It was very stimulating to see how American economy became powerful and met the expectations of its citizens.
The peoples quality of life is probably the best in the world.
Comments from Sr Executives of Premium energy Transmission Ltd - A Thapar group Company
Mr. S. Nagaraju CEO 
The film could bring about the consumerism and the standards of human life in a very nice way.
I really congratulate the author to think and make a such an educative movie.
R.T.Goel Vice President Corporate Finance
It was a good overview of American and Indian economy.
It shows the roadmap for India to become a strong ‘economic power’.
 MS Chugh VP Corporate
It was interesting effort to depict the American Way. 
The narrator was
Though extreme consumerism has flaws we need to find a middle path
keeping environment in view.
N. Rajan General Manager Marketing
Film was fantastic and provided a solution to the woes of the poorest of the world.
More information on the current Indian Scenario on the implementation of the programmes .
More info on the way the PSU’s /Defense/other govt depts runs in USA
 R. N. Madke General Manager R&D
Good Movie.
Suggestion on improvement in Indian economy in the present
situation can help people to understand how we cross present barriers and
become advanced society.
 Sunil Kolambkar General Manager IT
Good Insightful
Please add IT use and benefits that a common man American gains through use of IT and Internet

Mr. S.Venkataramani - Dy General Manager- Materials
The program enlightened the way in which developing
countries like our could move in a direction to become  wealthy by showing
examples of way of life in the US.
Taking clues our government is now moving in the right
direction to provide the basic needs to all humans by prioritizing and framing
the right policies.
All organizations like ours must actively contribute to this ‘good deal’

A.S Mahargure - Sr. Manager- Projects
The presentation of the film is a good exercise for social
I personally feel that please add the thing”take only good things
from this and try to improve and implement because there may be many questions about basic differences.

M.M.Diwale Manager R&D
Very insightful delight in providing our thought process in
perspective on the ‘purpose of life’.
Contribution to the society makes one do the ‘punya’ and the
structured way alongwith the proper implementation can do wonders to the ‘human
All we can say that proper direction with right people on
leadership role can do the purpose.
But we must start on an ’dot’ of a
water from ourselves to build the divine ocean called ’Incredible India’ .
Lets begin

Imreshwar Asst Manager Accounts

This is a very interesting and delightful session with the help of which India also can become rich and along with India every Indian will become rich.
Provided the things which are happening in America should not be defeated by our political parties in India.
S.Y Sanglikar Corporate office -Materials
The film and discussions was very thought provoking.
Made role of Govt and Pvt Industry very clear with examples.
Needs more thought on”Implementation and change of mindset’ in India

Comments from Sr Executives of Premium energy Transmission Ltd - A Thapar group Company
 Mr. S. Nagaraju CEO 
The film could bring about the consumerism and the standards of human life in a very nice way.
I really congratulate the author to think and make a such an educative movie.
 R.T.Goel Vice President Corporate Finance
It was a good overview of American and Indian economy.
It shows the roadmap for India to become a strong ‘economicpower’.
M.S Chugh VP Corporate
It was interesting effort to depict the American Way. 
The narrator was
Though extreme consumerism has flaws we need to find a middle path
keeping environment in view.
 N. Rajan General Manager Marketing
Film was fantastic and provided a solution to the woes of the poorest of the world.
More information on the current Indian Scenario on the implementation of the programmes
More info on the way the PSU’s /Defense/other govt depts runs in USA
R. N. Madke General Manager R&D
Good Movie.
Suggestion on improvement in Indian economy in the present
situation can help people to understand how we cross present barriers and
become advanced society.

Sunil Kolambkar General Manager IT
Good Insightful
Please add IT use and benefits that a common man American gains through use of IT and Internet
 Mr. S.Venkataramani - Dy General
Manager- Materials
The program enlightened the way in which developing countries like our could move in a direction to become  wealthy by showing
examples of way of life in the US.
Taking clues our government is now moving in the right direction to provide the basic needs to all humans by prioritizing and framing
the right policies.
All organizations like ours must actively contribute to this ‘good deal’
A.S Mahargure - Sr. Manager- Projects

The presentation of the film is a good exercise for social
I personally feel that please add the thing”take only good things
from this and try to improve and implement because
there may be many questions about basic differences.

M.M.Diwale Manager R&D
Very insightful delight in providing our thought process in perspective on the ‘purpose of life’.
Contribution to the society makes one do the ‘punya’ and the structured way alongwith the proper implementation can do wonders to the ‘human race’
All we can say that proper direction with right people on
leadership role can do the purpose.
But we must start on an ’dot’ of a water from ourselves to build the divine ocean called ’Incredible India’ .
Lets begin
Imreshwar Asst Manager Accounts
This is a very interesting and delightful session with the help of which India also can become rich and along with India every Indian will become rich.
Provided the things which are happening in America should not be defeated by our political parties in India.
 S.Y Sanglikar Corporate office -Materials
The film and discussions was very thought provoking.
Made role of Govt and Pvt Industry very clear with examples.
Needs more thought on”Implementation and change of mindset’in India
S.P.Bhamare Asst Manager QC
This was a very interesting and powerful way to change the mindset to improve the nation.
and very important things is explained about the “win-win-win” situation.
I am very thankful to the organizer.
S.S. Hardikar Asst Manager IT
Presentation of  American way  connecting the dots  was very good and also the presentation method.

Shivaji Thate Dy Manager-Accounts 
It gives us a good thought for creating  jobs, revenues, collection of taxes,providing infrastructure etc.
It is pertinent to note that there is a cycle of all activities.
I am very much thankful to the author for giving a opportunity to get new ideas.
Y.L.Lagvankar Sr Manager Accounts
Subject was very interesting as it has detailed and analytical study of various aspects of American life.
Buying or ethical consumerism will help to prosper all the segment of life of individuals, society and the government.
S.N.Rao Sr. Executive HO Marketing
Good film.
Taught us how to live life to the fullest and improve upon our economy.
The film could have carried glimpses of present economy ofour country.

A.D.Katkar- Manager Maintenance
This session is beneficial  to us to improve
ourseleves, society, nation and globally.
 R.R.Shrikhande Asst Manager Purchase
It explains the process through which  America has become the supreme power in all senses.
It tells us its the “Hand-in-hand”, Network of end users, manufacturing/service industry and the government authority.
It works on principle of more consumption more will be demand for supply in turn gives accelration to entire economy.
Govt is successful privatisation and decentralization.
More employment will increase the lifestyle of whole society.
A.M.Deodhar I.O.
Presentation was thought provoking.
Consumerism helps grow if it is done in a ethical way.
USA is a more organized country as far as law, economy and sense of duty is concerned.
Govt is playing an important role without getting involved practically by setting up rules of the game.
India being a vast country American model can be applied but pace of change will be a little slow
Thakur Desai Asst Manager PPC
got a brief of Lots of standards and benefits provided by their govt.
I was very much Impressed.
Such policies are to be implemented in our country.
Hope to visit America once.
 SS Dandekar Manager P&L

Session was eyeopening.
The movie gives insight about bonding between govt, consumers and businessmen.
How Govt is monitoring the activities and spending much on infrastructure and qualitative aspects.
I like the mantra of your purchase and consume more to boost to the economy will be more.
So it is a win-win-win situation for all 3 tiers.
 S.P.Bhamare Asst Manager QC
This was a very interesting and powerful way to change the mindset to improve the nation.
and very important things is explained about the “win-win-win” situation.
I am very thankful to the organizer.

S.S. Hardikar Asst Manager IT
Presentation of  American way  connecting the dots
was very good and also the presentation method.
 Shivaji Thate Dy Manager- Accounts 
It gives us a good thought for creating  jobs, revenues, collection of taxes,providing infrastructure etc.
It is pertinent to note that there is a cycle of all activities.
I am very much thankful to the author for giving a opportunity to get new ideas.
Y.L.Lagvankar Sr Manager Accounts

Subject was very interesting as it has detailed and analytical study of various aspects of American life.
Buying or ethical consumerism will help to prosper all the segment of life of individuals, asociety and the government.
 S.N.Rao Sr. Executive HO Marketing
Good film.
Taught us how to live life to the fullest and improve upon our economy.
The film could have carried glimpses of present economy of our country.
A.D.Katkar- Manager Maintenance
This session is beneficial  to us to improve ourseleves, society, nation and globally.
 R.R.Shrikhande Asst Manager Purchase
It explains the process through which  America has
become the supreme power in all senses. It tells us its the “Hand-in-hand”, Network of end users, manufacturing/service industry and the government
It works on principle of more consumption more will be demand for supply in turn gives accelration to entire economy.
Govt is successful privatisation and decentralization.
More employment will increase the lifestyle of whole society.
A.M.Deodhar I.O.
Presentation was thought provoking.
Consumerism helps grow if it is done in a ethical way.
USA is a more organized country as far as law, economy and sense of duty is concerned.
Govt is playing an important role without getting involved practically by setting up rules of the game.
India being a vast country American model can be applied but pace of change will be a little slow
 Thakur Desai Asst Manager PPC
Got a brief of Lots of standards and benefits provided by their govt.
I was very much Impressed.
Such policies are to be implemented in our country.
Hope to visit America once.
 SS Dandekar Manager P&L
Session was eyeopening.
The movie gives insight about bonding between govt,consumers and businessmen.
How Govt is monitoring the activities and spending much on infrastructure and qualitative aspects.
I like the mantra of your purchase and consume more to boost to the economy will be more.
So it is a win-win-win situation for all 3 tiers.
 S.N.Nirmal Manager Production
This session gives information about American Govt working style and the role of citizens and his duties towards his nation.
This is an eye-opener for us and for our govt

S.S. Joshi  Manager- Materials
Technical: Sound of background music is louder than narration.
A more focus on what ‘India’ needs to do rather than what USA has done.
Also needs more elaboration on what the extremes or overdoing of consumersim can lead to.
 P.A. Yadav Asst Manager PPC
The programme emphasised and brought
out the need of equality among ourselves. It showed the poverty of the people,
It showed why the US is the richest country in the world. Its showed what makes
it so.
Its team, political rules, social rules make it so happen.
Most important is
buying power is more so it creates employment for others.
taxes which are
collected from the people are utilized for schools, roads
It places citizen interest above political interest.
These concepts
can be used in India to bring up the nation.
The people can lead a happy life.

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