Curious Response of Prof Dr Bernard Puel PHD (Philosophy/Psychoanalysis – Paris)

Everything is One - Decoding the Mystery of Life.

A film by Ramesh Kulkarni - For Scientists, Technologists, Philosophers & Thinkers

Review by Dr Sumit Sharma – MBBS MD (Paediatrics - 20 yrs Canada)

"Engaging & fascinating. An encyclopedia of new knowledge"

Everything is One - Initiatives for a Utopian World based on Science & technology.

As a Doctor with 20 yrs in the medical profession - I can confirm that all the statements in the documentary with respect to Physiology are accurate and to the best of my knowledge of the established and known facts in the medical field.
For e.g. the description of the following are factual and well documented in the medical profession
(a) The stages and time period of growth of the embryo (Zygote)
(b) And the functioning of the 9 subsystems ie Cardiovascular system, Digestive system, Respiratory system.

However the functioning of the central nervous system (especially the brain) is not very well known or understood. The research is in a nascent stage and neuro scientists are still grappling to understand the functioning of the brain.

‘Everything is One’ explains the architecture of the Human system in great details - especially the functioning of the central nervous system in technological terms.

The Human system is structured and functions in a very scientific way. The author has methodically explained layer by layer using computer technology knowledge - the structure of the human body system.
The 2nd sequel explains the correct input-data to the human system using 25 chapters called “senses”

All the inputs seems correct & logical and I feel can easily be validated thru simple Body/brain test using MRI Scanners.

I also feel that the contents of the documentary will be highly useful to the medical/biotech research institutions.

I found the documentary was engaging and fascinating and an encyclopedia of new knowledge.

Keeps you glued for 3 hrs.

I fully support the author’s mission of ‘A Utopian world based on science & Technology’

Dr Sumit Sharma


Prof Dr. Bernard Puel - Professeur de Philosophie (à la retraite) et psychanalyste

(English Translation below)

Non je ne suis pas d'accord avec la formulation nodale qui domine et structure l'ensemble de votre proclamation. "Tout est Un", pas d'accord sur cette proposition qui est dogmatique aussi bien du point de vue de Dieu que du point de vue du corps vivant. Et plus que dogmatique cette proposition est nocive et à l'ère de la mondialisation, plus que nocive elle est mortifère. A moins de ne parler qu'une seule langue la même pour le monde entier, à moins de réduire la différence sexuelle source de vie en une unité trans et universelle à moins de réduire la pluralité des cultures on est dans la direction de la mort et de la violence. On confond l'égalité et l'unité non pas seulement utopique mais détestable parce que dépourvue de tout respect . Précisément la mladie actuelle de notre culture c'est de continuer d'asseoir l'universalisme auquel elle aspire sur une unité réductrice faussement puissante, alors que la vraie volonté de puissance repose sur la prise en compte de la mortalité humaine seul fondement qui résiste encore à l'écroulement généralisé que provoque aujourd'hui un unitarisme de gauche.

English Translation

No, I do not agree with the nodal formulation that dominates and structures your entire proclamation. "Everything is One", disagree on this proposal which is dogmatic both from the point of view of God and from the point of view of the living body. And more than dogmatic this proposal is harmful and in the era of globalization, more than harmful it is deadly. Unless we speak only one language the same for the whole world, unless we reduce the sexual difference that is the source of life into a trans and universal unity unless we reduce the plurality of cultures, we are in the direction of death and violence. Equality is confused with unity, not only utopian but detestable because it is disrespectful. Precisely the current mladie of our culture is to continue to base the universalism to which it aspires on a falsely powerful reductive unity, while the true will to power rests on the consideration of human mortality the only foundation that still resists the generalized collapse caused today by a left-wing unitarianism.

See originalSee original text of this comment·


Ramesh Kulkarni - Prof Bernard - My reply - Appreciate if you can clarify how is the formulatin harmful and dangerous?


Bernard Puel - Professeur de Philosophie (à la retraite) et psychanalyste

Il y a dans une certaine façon de rattacher l'égalité et l'unité un certain rapport de maîtrise qui politiquement mais aussi bien de façon anthropologique tend à la tyrannie. On l'a vu dés les premiers moments de la Révolution Française encore trop peu mature et qui pour cette raison à commencé par la Terreur. La volonté de puissance ? cf l'acte d'Ulysse renonçant aux amours immortelles de Calypso et proclamant sa préférence pour Pénélope. C'est le sens même de la pensée de Niezsche pour qui le tragique propre à `Sophocle consiste en un retrait hors de la scène humaine de la toute puisssance immuable des dieux. La puissance c'est celle de s'abstraire hors du circulus vitiosus deus . Le cercle vicieux est celui d'une supposition de l'Un qui vise à se démontrer elle-même.

English Translation-

There is in a certain way of linking equality and unity a certain relationship of control that politically but also anthropologically tends to tyranny. We saw it from the first moments of the French Revolution still too immature and which for this reason began with the Terror. The will to power? cf the act of Odysseus renouncing calypso's immortal loves and proclaiming his preference for Penelope. This is the very meaning of Niezsche's thought, for whom the tragedy peculiar to 'Sophocles consists in a withdrawal from the human scene of the immutable power of the gods. The power is that of abstracting oneself out of the circulus vitiosus deus. The vicious circle is that of an assumption of the One that aims to demonstrate itself.